Trackformer — Multi-Object Tracking with Transformers

A lower-level explanation of the paper Multi-Object Tracking with Transformers (Meinhardt et al., 2022) including DETR (Carion et al., 2020) and Deformable DETR (Zhu et al., 2020). 🎥

1.) Introduction

This blog post provides a detailed explanation of the transformer-based tracking model Trackformer . Trackformer not only achieved state-of-the art results but has also a comparably simple architecture that facilitates implementation and maintenance for practitioners. The coolest thing about this blog post is the inclusion of two self-made images that depict Trackformer’s training process for different scenarios where objects are (re-)entering, leaving, or moving in a camera-recorded, dynamic scene.

Multi-object tracking (MOT) is an important task in the Computer Vision domain. MOT is closely related to object detection because tracking models utilize the detections in each frame of a video with the aim of assigning the same ID to the same objects across different frames over time. Trackformer uses the transformer-based object detector DEtection TRansformer (DETR) . The primary concept behind DETR is to learn a larger number of transformer-decoder embeddings that generate bounding boxes (by cross-attending to the image features), with a set of these embeddings successfully matched to the actual objects in an image. The fundamental idea behind Trackformer is to feed the output embeddings from successfully matched embeddings to the transformer for the next image in a video sequence and train these embeddings to match the same object again. In this configuration, the intertemporally matched embeddings carry the identity of an object over to the next image.

We will delve into both models in more detail separately. First, we will explore DETR . I will explain the complete model during inference time, then during training time, including the loss function, and subsequently, we will discuss advantages, disadvantages, and results. Second, we will repeat the same process for Trackformer . Finally, we will learn about Deformable DETR , which is a more efficient version of DETR. Deformable DETR employs deformable attention instead of regular attention. Trackformer actually utilizes Deformable DETR for its detections. The Deformable DETR paper is quite technical, so feel free to skip this part!

2.) DETR as Object Detector

Previous object detection systems incorporate various manually designed elements, such as anchor generation, rule-based training target assignment, and non-maximum suppression (NMS) post-processing . These components do not constitute fully end-to-end solutions. In a recent study, introduced DETR, an object detection approach that eliminates the need for such manual components. DETR represents the first fully end-to-end object detector and achieved highly competitive results on the COCO 2017 detection dataset . The two main components are a set-based global loss that enforces a subset of unique class predictions via bipartite matching, and a transformer encoder-decoder architecture with learned embeddings called object queries. In contrast to , these queries are learned encodings of potential objects on the image instead of rule-based encoded representations of the target sequence. This section explains first the transformer at inference time, and second the bipartite matching loss with which we train the model.

Complete transformer-based DETR architecture

The overall model has three components as depicted by Figure 1. The first component is a conventional CNN backbone that generates a lower-resolution activation map many channels. The transformation from large embedding length (image height \(\cdot\) width) to large embedding depth is crucial for the efficiency of the attention modules (see Table 2. The second component is the transformer encoder-decoder. In contrast to the original decoder by , DETR decodes \(N\) objects at once at each decoder layer instead of predicting the output sequence in an autoregressive manner by masking later elements. Because the decoder is permutation-invariant like the encoder, we also require \(N\) different decoder input embeddings to generate different results. We achieve this by feeding learned embeddings with dimension \(d\) that we call object queries to the decoder. In contrast to that, the original transformer in takes the decoder outputs from the previous iteration as decoder inputs. The decoder transforms the \(N\) object queries into \(N\) output embeddings. The third component is a two-headed prediction network that is shared for all output embeddings. It is defined as an FFN, i.e. a a 3-layer vanilla neural net with ReLU activations for the normalized bounding box values and hidden dimension \(d\). We normalize the input to the prediction FFNs with a shared layer-norm. The one head is a linear projection layer to predict the bounding box values. The other head is a softmax layer that predicts the class labels.

Figure 1. High-level DETR architecture with CNN backbone, transformer-encoder decoder and FFN prediction heads. In contrast to the autoregressive sequence generation in , the outputs are computed at once by feeding different learned positional encodings, called object queries, into the transformer decoder. Image source: .

The transformer allows the model to use self- and cross-attention over the object queries to include the information about all potential objects with pair-wise relations in their prediction of only one potential object, while using the whole image as context.

Object Detection Set Prediction Loss

During training, we want to learn predictions that have the right number of no classes and the right number of classes with the right class label and bounding box. Formally, we achieve this the following way: From the transformer decoder prediction head, DETR infers \(N\) predictions for the tuples of bounding box coordinates and the object class. \(N\) has to be at least as large as the maximal number of objects on one image. The first tuple element are the bounding box coordinates, denoted by \(b \in [0,1]^4\). These are four values: the image-size normalized center coordinates, and the normalized height and width of the box w.r.t. the input image’s borders. Using center coordinates and normalization help us to deal with images of different sizes. Examples for the second tuple element, class \(c\), are "person A", for person detection, or "car" for object detection. The remaining class is the "no object" class, denoted by \(\emptyset\). For every image, we pad the target class vector \(c\) of length \(N\) with \(\emptyset\) if the image contains less than \(N\) objects. To score predicted tuples \(\hat{y}=\{\hat{y}_i\}_{i=1}^N=\{(\hat{c}_i,\hat{b}_i)\}_{i=1}^N\) with respect to the targets \(y\), apply a loss function that we apply to a class permutation based on an optimal bipartite matching between the predicted and target tuples. With this loss function, we jointly maximize the log likelihood of the class permutation and minimize the bounding box losses. Figure 2 depicts an example of bipartite matching between predictions and ground truth for a picture of two seagulls at a shore during training time. We observe that the matching procedure selects a unique permutation that directly maps exactly one prediction to one target. Thus, with that approach we do not have to handle mappings of many similar predicted bounding boxes and classes to one target, for instance, to the same seagull.

Figure 2. DETR training pipeline with bipartite matching loss. The loss function generates an optimal one-to-one mapping between predictions and targets according to bounding box and object class similarity (colors). In this unique permutation of N classes, class predictions with no match among the class targets are regarded as “no object” predictions, too (green). Image source: .

The next section describes the loss function required for the bipartite matching between predicted and target detections that is optimal in terms of bounding box and class similarity. We find the optimal permutation of predicted detections \(\hat{\sigma}\in\mathcal{\mathfrak{S}}_N\) of \(N\) elements from:

\[\begin{align} \hat{\sigma} = arg\,min_{\sigma\in\mathcal{\mathfrak{S}}_N} \sum_{i}^{N} \text{L}_{\text{match}}(y_i, \hat{y}_{\sigma(i)}), \end{align}\]

where \(\text{L}_{\text{match}}\) is a pair-wise matching cost between target \(y_i\) and prediction \(\hat{y}\) with index \(\sigma(i)\). We compute the assignment efficiently with the Hungarian matching algorithm instead of brute force.

We want to assign predictions and targets that are close in terms of class and bounding box. Thus, the matching considers both the class score for every target and the similarity of predicted and target box coordinates. We reward a high class score for the target class and a small bounding box discrepancy. To this end, let us denote the index function by \(\text{I}\), the probability of predicting class \(c_i\) for detection with permutation index \(\sigma(i)\) by \(\hat{p}_{\sigma(i)}(c_i)\) and the predicted box by \(\hat{b}_{\sigma(i)}\). With that, we define the pair-wise matching loss as

\[\begin{align} \text{L}_{\text{match}}(y_i, \hat{y}_{\sigma(i)}) = -\text{I}_{c_i\neq\emptyset} \hat{p}_{\sigma (i)}(c_i) + \text{I}_{c_i\neq\emptyset} \text{L}_{\text{box}}(b_{i}, \hat{b}_{\sigma(i)}). \end{align}\]

Here, our objective is to find the best matching for the "real" classes \(c \neq \emptyset\) by ignoring class predictions that are directly mapped to "no class" by the prediction. However, the model still has to learn not to predict too many real classes. Given our optimal matching \(\hat{\sigma}\), we achieve this by minimizing the Hungarian loss. The function is given by

\[\begin{align}\text{L}_{\text{Hungarian}}(y, \hat{y}) = \sum_{i=1}^N \left[-\log \hat{p}_{\hat{\sigma}(i)}(c_{i}) + \text{I}_{c_i\neq\emptyset} \text{L}_{\text{box}}\Big(b_{i}, \hat{b}_{\hat{\sigma}}(i)\Big)\right]\end{align}\]

The difference to the matching loss is two-fold. First, we now penalize wrong assignments to all classes including "no class" with the first class-specific term. We do not include the "no class" instances to the box loss \(\text{L}_{\text{box}}\) because they are not matched to a bounding box anyway. Second, we scale the class importance compared to the bounding boxes by taking the log of predicted class probabilities. In practice, the class term is further reduced for "no class" objects to take class imbalance into account. The last expression is the box loss. It is the L1 loss of the bounding box vector \(b_i\). Note, however, that the L1 loss penalizes larger boxes. The following equations shows the expression:

\[\begin{align} \text{L}_{\text{box}}(b_{i}, \hat{b}_{\sigma(i)}) = \lambda_{\text{box}}||b_{i}- \hat{b}_{\sigma(i)}||_1, \end{align}\]

where \(\lambda_{\text{box}} \in \mathbb{R}\) is a hyperparameter. We normalize the loss by the number of objects in each image.

DETR’s drawbacks

In spite of its intriguing design and commendable performance, DETR encounters certain challenges. Firstly, it requires significantly more training epochs to reach convergence compared to existing object detectors. For instance, when evaluated on the COCO benchmark , DETR necessitates 500 epochs for convergence, making it approximately 10 to 20 times slower than Faster R-CNN . Secondly, DETR exhibits relatively lower proficiency in detecting small objects . Contemporary object detectors typically utilize multi-scale features, employing high-resolution feature maps for the detection of small objects. However, employing high-resolution feature maps leads to impractical complexities for DETR. These aforementioned issues primarily stem from the deficiency of Transformer components in processing image feature maps. During initialization, the attention modules distribute nearly uniform attention weights to all pixels in the feature maps. It requires many training epochs for the attention weights to learn to concentrate on sparse meaningful locations. Additionally, the computation of attention weights in the Transformer encoder is quadratic in relation to the number of pixels. Consequently, processing high-resolution feature maps becomes highly computationally and memory intensive.

3.) Trackformer as Multi-Object Tracker

Trackformer extends DETR to multi-object tracking. To be precise, it uses the variant Deformable DETR , presumably because the results were better. Trackformer not only achieved state of the art results for online tracking but also presented an end-to-end architecture that solves the three sub-tasks of track initialization (detection), prediction of next positions, and matching predictions with detections. Thereby, it bypasses intermediate layers that are usually present in previous pipeline designs, similar to how DETR facilitated object detection. The main idea is depicted by Figure 3. It is to re-use DETR’s decoded object queries that have been matched to an actual object in one frame and use them as additional object queries for the next frame as autoregressive track queries. Accordingly, we dynamically adjust the transformer decoder sequence length. The static object queries are responsible for initializing new tracks and the taken over track queries allow tracking objects across frames. In contrast do DETR, besides the bounding box quadruple \(b\) and the object class \(c\), we additionally predict predict the track ID across frames in an implicit way from by enumerating the track queries.

With the described approach, we train the model to not only decode learned object queries into representations that can detect objects but also to use the decoded queries again as decoder input to detect the same object when possible. If we match the decoder output from an object query in frame \(t-1\), it is re-used as an additional track query as decoder input for frame \(t\). If its output is matched again, we assume that both detections belong to the same object with ID \(k\).

Figure 3.Trackformer architecture. Trackformer extends DETR to tracking on video data by feeding the decoded object queries that are matched to actual objects as additional autoregressive tracking queries (colored detection squares) next to the object queries for the next image into the transformer decoder (dark blue). The decoder processes the set of Ntrack + Nobject queries to further track or remove existing tracks (light blue) and to initialize new tracks (purple). Image source: .

Set prediction loss

We now want to formulate a loss that allows the model to learn the bipartite matching \(j=\pi (i)\) between target objects \(y_i\) to the set of both object and track query predictions \(\hat{y}_j\). For this purpose, let us denote the subset of target track identities at frame \(t\) with \(K_t \subset K\). This is different from DETR as \(K\) contains all object identities for all images in the video sequence. These object or track identities can be present in multiple frames, i.e. they can intersect from frame to frame. Trackformer takes three steps to associate queries with targets. The last step corresponds to DETR’s method. The steps to obtain the mapping of predicted detections to target detections \(\hat{\sigma}\) for one frame are the following: first, we match \(K_{\text{track}} = K_{t-1} \cap K_t\) (target objects in the current frame that were also present in the previous frame) by track identity. This means, we associate these targets with the output from the previous query. Second, we match \(K_{\text{leaving}} = K_{t-1} \setminus K_t\) (objects leaving the scene between two frames) with background class \(\emptyset\). And third, we match \(K_{\text{init}} = K_{t} \setminus K_{t-1}\) (objects entering the scene) with the \(N_{\text{object}}\) object queries by minimum cost mapping based on object class and bounding box similarity the same ways as DETR assigned its targets to object queries.

Output embeddings which were not matched, i.e. 1) proposals with worse class and bounding box similarity than others or 2) track queries without corresponding ground truth object, are assigned to background class \(\emptyset\).

With this order, we prioritize matching track queries from the last frame even if object queries from the current frame yield more similar bounding boxes and classes. This is necessary because, in order to assign the same object ID to detections in multiple frames, we have to train the object queries to not only initialize a track after on pass through the decoder but also to detect the same object after two passes through the decoder with given the respective interactions from the image encodings.

The final set prediction loss for one frame is computed over all \(N=N_{\text{object}}+N_{\text{track}}\) model outputs. Because \(K_{t-1} \setminus K_t\) (objects that left the scene) are not contained in the current-frame permutation, we write the loss as

\(\begin{align} \text{L}_{\text{MOT}}(y,\hat{y},\pi)=\sum_{i=1}^N \text{L}_{\text{query}}(y,\hat{y},\pi). \end{align}\) Further, we define the loss per query and differentiate two categories. First, we have the object query loss \(L_0\) for outputs from unmatched embeddings. And second, we have the track query loss \(L_1\) for outputs from matched embeddings that will be overtaken to the next time period as track queries. Formally, the query loss is given by

\[\begin{align}\text{L}_{\text{query}}= \begin{cases} \phantom{.}L_0 &= -\lambda_{\text{cls}} \log \hat{p}_i (\emptyset) \quad \phantom{..................}\text{if } i \notin \pi \\ \phantom{.}L_1 &= -\lambda_{\text{cls}} \log \hat{p}_i (c_{\pi=i}) + \text{L}_{\text{box}}(b_{\pi=i},\hat{b}_i) \quad \text{if } i \in \pi. \end{cases}\end{align}\]

The expression captures two features: first, \(L_1\) rewards track queries that find the right bounding box for objects that are still present on the current frame and it rewards object queries with similar outputs to new objects. Second, \(L_0\) not only rewards track queries that predict the background class if their object has left the scene but also object queries that predict the background class if their bounding box prediction is off. The discussed details about track and object queries, and the matching rules with examples for assigned bounding boxes and losses are depicted in 4.

Figure 4. Training track and object queries. The black boxes are ground truth detections and the colorful, annotated boxes are predictions from the respective output embedding. Embeddings that do not spawn a box predict a class score smaller than the threshold. In t=0, the most similar boxes (green and red) are matched with the two target boxes according to matching step 2: Kinit (symbolized by “/”). For these boxes, we compute L1 based on boxes and class scores, and for the unmatched boxes, we compute L0 solely based on the class scores. Then we update the model parameters accordingly. The matched output embeddings are taken over as additional input embeddings, carrying the object IDs from the objects on the previous image. They are matched with priority according to matching step 1: Ktrack (symbolized by “”). Embedding 2’ is matched although the bounding boxes from output embedding a is more similar to the target. We feed embeddings 1′ and 2′ to the decoder in period t = 2 (see Figure 5).

Track query re-identification

What happens if objects are occluded or re-enter the scene? To deal with such cases, we keep feeding previously removed track queries for a patience window of \(T_{track-reid}\) frames into the decoder. During this window, predictions from track ids are only considered if a classification score higher than \(\sigma_{track-reid}\) is reached.

Figure 5. Training track queries with re-identification. Make sure to compare this Figure to Figure 4. From t = 1, we additionally feed output embeddings 1′ and 2′, carrying the object identities for pedestrian 1 (green) and pedestrian 2 (blue) to the encoder. However, pedestrian 2 has left the scene between t = 1 and t = 2 and pedestrian 1 is occluded by a news pedestrian with ID 3. Here, we depict the case where we have no ground truth annotation for the occluded pedestrian. Note that the prediction from embedding 1′ is quite reasonable given that pedestrian 1 is almost invisible. In contrast, embedding 2′ keeps predicting a bounding box in the close to the upper right corner independent of the image. Since there are no detections with IDs previously matched to 1 or 2, we cannot apply matching step 1: Ktrack (symbolized by “”) to output embeddings 1″ and 2″. Instead, we match both outputs with the background class according to step 2 Kleaving (symbolized by “”). Assuming the green pedestrian would be annotated, however, we would have apply step 1: Ktrack (symbolized by “”) to embedding 1″ instead. To track the new pedestrian with ID 3, we apply matching step 3: Kinit (symbolized by “/”) to embedding 3 and update the model according to the respective losses. Since we keep unmatched embeddings with patience, we take over embeddings 1″ and 2″ to the next frame in addition to embedding 3. This allows the model to re-identify object 1 (green) in period t = 3.


Trackformer achieved state-of-the-art performance in multi-object tracking on MOT17 and MOT20 datasets. It is important to pre-train the model on large tracking datasets, to use track augmentations, and probably also to use pre-trained detection weights for tracking-specific pre-training.

4.) Extra. Deformable DETR as More Efficient Detector

In order to address DETR’s disadvantages, introduces a deformable attention module as replacement for the conventional attention module in DETR’s transformer model. Drawing inspiration from deformable convolution , the deformable attention module focuses its attention solely on a limited set of key sampling points surrounding a reference point. By allocating a fixed number of keys per query, can alleviate the problems associated with convergence and feature spatial resolution by decreasing the transformer’s complexity as a function of the image dimension to a sub-quadratic level. Furthermore, use this module to aggregate multiple feature maps of different resolution taken from the CNN backbone in the encoder to "multi-scale" feature maps and for the object queries to aggregate the relevant information from these maps for the detection predictions. The design is inspired by the finding that multi-scale feature maps are crucial for teaching image transformers to effectively represent objects depicted at strongly distinct scales . Figure 6 depicts the complete Deformable DETR architecture.

Figure 6. High-level Deformable DETR architecture. We extract three feature maps at different resolution levels from the CNN backbone. In the encoder, we aggregate the information from all multi-scale feature maps with deformable self-attention, attending only to a learned sample of important locations around a learned reference point from every feature map for each feature map (deformable attention). This results in three encoder feature maps of the same dimensions. In the decoder, the learned object queries extract features from queries and values from themselves with conventional self-attention and from the keys from the encoder feature maps with deformable cross-attention. Again, for each object query, the learned reference point and a set of learned offsets is used to only query a set of keys from the encoder. With that, we replace the self-attention modules in the encoder and the and cross-attention modules in the decoder with 4 heads of the deformable attention module and learn from feature maps at different resolutions. This makes the transformer’s complexity as a function of pixel number sub-quadratic and allows the model to better learn objects at strongly distinct scales. Image source: .

Multi-Head Attention Revisited

When provided with a query element (e.g., a target word in the output sentence) and a set of key elements (e.g., source words in the input sentence), the multi-head attention module aggregates the key contents based on attention weights, which gauge the compatibility of query-key pairs. In order to enable the model to focus on diverse representation subspaces and positions, the outputs of various attention heads are combined linearly using adjustable weights.

Let \(q \in \Omega_q\) denote an index for the query element represented by feature \(z_q \in \mathbb{R}^C\), and let \(k \in \Omega_k\) denote an index for the key element represented by feature \(x_k \in \mathbb{R}^C\) with feature dimension \(C\) and set of query and key elements \(\Omega_q\) and \(\Omega_k\), respectively. We compute the multi-head attention feature for query index \(q\) with

\[\begin{align}\text{MultiHeadAttn}(z_q, x) = \sum_{m=1}^M W_m [\sum_{k \in \Omega_k} A_{mqk} \cdot W_m^{T} x_k],\end{align}\]

where \(m\) is index the attention head and \(W_m \in \mathbb{R}^{C \times C_v}\) are learned weights with \(C_v = C/M\). We normalize the attention weights \(A_{mqk} \propto \text{exp}\{\frac{z_q^T U_m^T V_m x_k}{\sqrt{C_v}}\}\) with learned weights \(U_m, V_m \in \mathbb{R}^{C \times C_v}\) to \(\sum_{k \in \Omega_k} A_{mqk}=1\). In order to clarify distinct spatial positions, the representation features, denoted as \(z_q\) and \(x_k\), are formed by concatenating or summing the element contents with positional embeddings.

Deformable Attention

The main challenge in applying Transformer attention to image feature maps is that it considers all potential spatial locations. To overcome this limitation, propose a deformable attention module. It selectively focuses on a small number of key sampling points around a reference point, irrespective of the spatial dimensions of the feature maps. By employing a small number of keys per query, it can address the issues of convergence and feature spatial resolution. In contrast to the previous notation, let \(x \in \mathbb{R}^{C \times H \times W}\) denote an input feature map and let \(q\) denote the index for a query element with feature \(z_q\) and a 2-d reference point \(p_q\). We calculate the deformable attention feature with

\[\begin{align}\text{DeformAttn}(z_q, p_q, x) = \sum_{m=1}^M W_m [\sum_{k \in \Omega_k} A_{mqk} \cdot W_m^{T} x_k (p_q + \Delta p_{mqk})],\end{align}\]

where \(k\) indexed the sampled keys and \(K \ll HW\) is the total number of sampled keys. Futher, \(\Delta p_{mqk} \in \mathbb{R}^2\) denotes the sampling offset and \(A_{mkq}\) the attention weights of the \(k^{\text{th}}\) sampling point in the \(m^{\text{th}}\) attention head, respectively. The attention weights are normalized to own over the sample keys. We feed query feature \(z_q\) to a \(3MK\)-channel linear projection operator. The inital \(2MK\) channels encode the sampling offsets \(Delta p_{mkq}\), and the latter \(MK\) channels are used as input to the softmax function to compute the attention weights \(A_mqk\).

Multi-scale Deformable Attention

We extend the deformable attention module to multiple differently-scaled feature maps with a few small changes. Let \(\{x^l\}_{l=1}^L\) denote the set of differently scaled feature maps, where \(x^l \in \mathbb{R}^{C \times H_l \times W_l}\) and let \(\hat{p}_q \in [0,1]^2\) denote the normalized reference points for each query element element \(q\). Then, we calculate the multi-scale deformable attention with

\[\begin{gathered} \text{MSDeformAttn}(z_q, \hat{p}_q, \{x^l\}_{l=1}^L) = \\ \sum_{m=1}^M W_m [\sum_{l=1}^L \sum_{k \in \Omega_k} A_{mlqk} \cdot W_m^{T} x^l (\phi_l (\hat{p}_q ) + \Delta p_{mlqk})], \end{gathered}\]

where \(l\) indexes the input feature and we expand the normalized attention weights and the reference point by this dimension. \(\hat{p}_q \in [0,1]^2\) are also normalized coordinates with \((0,0)\) and \((1,1)\) as top-left and bottom-right coordinates, respectively. Function \(\phi_l(\hat{p}_q )\) is the inverse of the normalization function and maps \(\hat{p}_q\) back to the respective feature map coordinates. In constrast to the singlescale deformable attention module, we sample \(LK\) feature map points instead of \(K\) points and interact the different feature maps with each other.


On the COCO benchmark for object detection, Deformable DETR outperforms DETR, particularly in detecting small objects, while requiring only about one-tenth of the training epochs.